Obsessions, Aspirations and Inspirations




Images from the manga "Veil" by Fukuda Ikumi (aka Kotteri)

One of the ways in which the subject today deals with the absence of the big Other is to turn to narcissistic self-admiration. The lack of identification with some ego-ideal (a symbolic role or authority-ideal) results in the subject’s identification with some imaginary role (the ideal-ego) in which the subject finds himself or herself likeable. This narcissistic search for the perfect image results in the subject’s obsession with changing his or her body with the help of excessive dieting, exercise and plastic surgery.

- Renata Salecl quoted by Llewellyn Negrin in "Appearance and Identity: Fashioning the Body in Postmodernity" 

Bachelor's buttons

  Cornflower (centaurea cyanus) 
Meaning: Hope in love

Origin: Folklore surrounding the cornflower, also called a “bachelor’s button,” states that a young man is to wear the flower when he is in love. If the flower dies quickly, it means his adoration is unrequited. However, if the flower maintains its bloom, there is hope that the young man’s love will be returned. 

Pair with . . . 
Lilac as a gift for a first love 
Sweet William to show you will always be true


    Vivetta SS19

 Vivetta SS19

“This collection is an invitation to play together,” Ponti explains. “It’s visionary fantasy, infused with an eccentric and enchanting glamour.”
- Vivetta Ponti on her Spring/Summer 2019 collection, in Sleek Magazine


Gothic & Lolita Bible

Gothic & Lolita Bible is a quarterly Japanese fashion mook which focuses on the Gothic and Lolita fashions. It was first published in 2001 by Index Communications, and is a spin-off of the Japanese fashion magazine Kera. In February 2008, an English-language version was released in North America by Tokyopop

- from the "Gothic & Lolita Bible" Wikipedia page

 This special issue, the Gothic & Lolita Bible has everything you need to perfect your look — freaky contact lenses, skirts with stiff crinolines, babydoll shoes and parasols. Step into a world where dark meets light and women are playthings, after the jump.

- from jezebel.com, The Gothic & Lolita Bible:  Japanese Girls Are Living Dolls by Dodai Stewart 


✷ Double breasted jackets

from Basics Fashion Design Construction by Anette Fischer

 from Gothic & Lolita Bible (can't remember the volume)

✷ This jacket type

from Basics Fashion Design Construction by Annette Fischer


*information got from www.learnreligions.com*

✷ Sacred Roses: the Spiritual Symbolism of Roses

The rose has often symbolised the existence and presence of God across religions. The intricate and beautiful layers of a rose serve as a testament of the Creator's masterful abilities. The unfurling of the rose bud expresses how spiritual wisom manifests in people's lives. 

Roses and Angels: It is often reported that people smell roses when communicating with angels through prayer and meditation. It is believed that the high vibrational energy of roses are what allow them to be chosen by angels, who also operate on a high vibrational frequency.

           Barachiel, the archangel of blessings , is usually portrayed in art with a rose or rose petals. This symbolises God's blessings that Barachiel helps deliver to people.


Roses and Miracles:

  • Ancient Mythology: roses symbolised eternal love in stories of how gods interacted with each other
  • Paganisms: roses were used as decorations to represent their hearts
  • Islam: roses are used as symbols of the human souls, therefore smelling roses reminded them of their spirituality
  • Hinduism and Buddhism: roses and other flowers are seen as expressions of spiritual joy
  • Christianity: roses are viewed as reminders of the Garden of Eden, a paradise in a world that reflected God's design before sin corrupted 

Sacred Scent: In Islam, roses represent the sacred nature of human souls. If the scent of a rose is perceived, but there are no roses nearby, it is believed that Allah or one of his angels is sending a spiritual message supernaturally, through clairalience.

In Catholicism, the scent of a rose is regarded as the 'odour of sanctity' because it indicates a presence of spiritual holiness. People have reported smelling the fragrance of roses after praying to the saints in heaven to intercede for them.

The Mystic Rose: In Catholic, the Virgin Mary is closely associated with roses. She is referred to as 'the mystical rose' or 'the rose without thorns' because she is believed to have been born without the original sin of Adam, and it is believed that the thorns of a rose appeared after humanity sinned.

- thank you so much for reading! Love, M
