i want to hold your hand through it all


Your wicked face is your most attractive feature, your most powerful feature. In your scornful expression, I saw sincerity and steadfastness and a certain kind of purity. Whenever I passed you from inside a car, unable to greet you, our eyes locked and our relationship reset. It would take five days of greetings to bring your smile back. Day after day, you crouched against the same pole, not going anywhere (to my knowledge). Your presence was an anchor to me, I loved to see you when I passed by, I frowned when you were nowhere to be seen. Sunday, I saw you so sorrowful, you had no energy to respond to a stranger like me and tears threatened to stain your face. I wish I could ask you what was wrong, I wish I could offer you any form of help. I would do anything to remove that expression from your face, I hate seeing my friends cry.

I almost cried at the memory of your face yesterday, especially because I did not see you. My friend, where could you possibly be? Has someone helped you? What would you look like the next time I see you? I am so sorry I could not help you, I can only pray that you find it within yourself to forgive me.
